Instructions on how to bet on fighting cocks online

For bettors in the Philippines, online cockfighting playgrounds are not too strange. On the contrary, this form of betting has become a hard-to-break habit for many people, bringing great experiences to bettors.

SLOTVIP‘s following article with simple and easy-to-understand instructions on how to bet on fighting cocks online will help you in your betting process.

A few things about online cockfighting betting

A few things about online cockfighting betting

How to bet on cockfighting, cockfighting or cockfighting is a folk game that has existed for a long time in our country, this sport is loved by many people. In the Philippines, on every holiday or festival it is not difficult to see cockfights, surrounded by dozens of people gathered to watch. With the advancement of technology, cockfighting now has a live form (online).

To increase the attractiveness, bets, and predictions on which chicken will win are placed among each other. However, in our country, this is a form of gambling and violates the law, so if you want to bet on cockfighting, you can only play online at reputable bookmakers like SLOTVIP, for example.

Currently, there are many ways to bet on cockfighting online, specifically 3 types of betting and 4 main forms of cockfighting as follows:

3 types of bets include: Betting on the banker winning (Meron); a Guest’s cock bet winning; Draw bet 

4 forms of cockfighting: American cockfighting; Knife cockfighting; Cockfighting; Peruvian cockfighting.

Before betting in any form, you should analyze the odds and the match carefully. Watching cockfights while betting is the most effective way.

Detailed instructions on how to bet on fighting cocks online

Detailed instructions on how to bet on fighting cocks online

Like many other betting games, online cockfighting also has some terms that you need to understand before playing:

One cross, one move: Cockfighting will be divided into different rounds, each round is often called a turn or a move.

Giving chicken water: After each round, the chicken will be examined and rested for about 5 minutes. This step is often called “giving chicken water”.

After understanding the specialized terminology, you must next understand the rules and regulations of cockfighting. Each place will have different rules, depending on the bookmaker you choose to bet on. Therefore, before participating in online cockfighting betting, players must carefully read the rules and regulations to avoid problems that arise later.

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As for how to bet on fighting cocks online, it’s also very simple. Like other online betting games, your job is to choose the right bet. If you choose correctly, you will receive a bonus, if you choose incorrectly, you will lose your bet.

Playing experience, how to bet on fighting cocks to always win

Playing experience, how to bet on fighting cocks to always win

Winning in online cockfighting betting is the dream of many cockfighters. To always win on your side, you cannot just play and rely entirely on luck. Let’s learn from experience and how to bet on fighting cocks and always win, specifically as follows:

Participate in cockfighting betting at a reputable bookmaker

Finding a bookmaker that provides reputable, quality online cockfighting betting services should be your number one priority. Currently, on the market, there are many online cockfighting playgrounds, however, not all of them are reputable.

Therefore, you must choose carefully to avoid being scammed or professionally scammed. You can visit SLOTVIP to experience the online cockfighting betting service here, it will not disappoint anyone.

Choose the right time and way to bet on fighting cocks

Cockfighting betting is like fighting. If you want to win, you must have a suitable strategy. In addition, you also have to know how to choose the right time to bet. Choosing the right time and way to bet on fighting cocks helps increase the odds of players betting and winning many times over.

You should wait for some time before the cockfighting match takes place when the cocks enter the field, then place your bet. At this point, you can observe the chicken’s appearance and its moves to make a reasonable betting decision. Online cockfighting betting absolutely should not rely entirely on luck.

Maintain your mentality

The most important thing when participating in online cockfighting betting is to keep yourself mentally strong. Even though cockfights are online, they are still extremely tense and fierce.

The situation changed unpredictably, turning 180 degrees like a pinwheel. Therefore, you must keep a cool head and a spirit of steel to make reasonable betting decisions that are most beneficial for yourself.


Above is an article with instructions on how to bet on fighting cocks online, simple, easy to understand, and highly effective. Hopefully, the information in the article will help you in choosing cockfighting bets. Don’t forget to visit the SLOTVIP website to experience the most prestigious and quality online cockfighting playground today.

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